Tuesday 26 January 2010

Website goes live

I am so excited, I have spent the last few weeks putting together my website and tonight I finally hit the go live button - what a fantastic feeling, a real achievement.

If you'd like to take a peek at what it looks like here's the link:


Monday 11 January 2010

Ye Ha! More Snow!

Just when I thought we'd seen the end of our annual snow the sky opened and dropped 7 inches of the lovely white stuff on us in Guston. My husband couldn't get his van out and couldn't go to work and the girls couldn't get to school and nursery in Sandwich. Unfortunately I had my work laptop and could work from home - lucky me ;-(

At lunchtime we wrapped up warm and dragged out the sledges. Out in the field snow surfing was the game of the day and it didn't take long for us all to be covered in snow. My eldest daughter, Sophie was soon wet and cold after making numerous snow angels. Hot tea and biscuits was the order of the day.
Friday was my day off and I braved the slippery, snowy Guston road and headed out to Sandwich to get Sophie to school. The Dover to Sandwich Road was trecherous in places and I thought about turning back a couple of times but somehow made it all the way to Sandwich, only to discover they's had much less snow than we'd had in Dover. On the way back from picking Sophie up that afternoon we made a short stop so I could get some pictures of Dover Castle in the snow. I sent the one above to theKent Messenger Group and it is now on the http://www.kentonline.co.uk/ website with other snow pictures submitted by readers.
I've included a couple of pictures of the snowmen that Sophie built (taken with Sophie's new camera) as well as a couple of other pictures that make me smile.
However much I love the snow in the way it makes things look and the fun it brings, I am always glad when the roads are clear - the logistics of daily life get very complicated when it's around.